Kings of Convenience played Bowery Ballroom on the 10th of September and we were fortunate enough to be there. This show was a HOT ticket!
When I first moved to New York they played two nights there. It was the first time I saw them and the first time I had ever been to the Bowery Ballroom. Both nights were fantastic. After the second night I met Erland (who I have a massive crush on) which made me love them even more. Erland is so charming and funny it's impossible not to like him. Plus he is a very talented musician and songwriter. swoon!
This time Katie and I were able to go together along with a friend of hers from work. The show was so magical-it was just the two them with their acoustic guitars (just like last time).

The crowd was so quiet, taking it all in. They played a lot of their news songs from the new album Declaration of Dependence. (it is released on October 20--we highly recommend everyone run out and BUY it!! You won't regret it) At one point you could hear a professional camera snapping pictures which when it's oh-so quiet it can be a bit distracting. After the song was finished Erland said "Dear professional photographer, please refrain from taking pictures." Then Erik offered to pose for a few photos so they could get their shots and be quiet. The poses that they gave were perfect "musician" stances, with a bit of tongue in cheek to them of course. They also did a cover of "It's My Party" and moved into their classics.

The encore was so fantastic. They came out and stood at the edge of the stage and just sang out to the audience without their guitars a favorite of ours "The Build Up" and near the end of the song when Feist joins in we all were wondering if she was there when from above us on the balcony she started singing and everyone freaked out a bit. It was so beautiful and raw.

Found this video of the encore on youtube. It was a fantastic way to end the evening.