22 May 2011

happiest of days

"I'm so glad to grow older, to move away from those awful times"

Wishing this beautiful wonderful man the happiest of birthdays. xoxo

05 May 2011


I've been immersed in typography for the last week and while my head is spinning with all the lovliness, this has to be my favourite by far. From my new favourite website welovetypography. I think I'll be spending a lot of time on this website (in the next few months especially).

04 May 2011

take me back to the old house

This song popped up in the itunes tonight. I'll always remember seeing this video on 120 Minutes when I was in junior high and loving it so much. I got the CASSETTE (yep, so old school) for Christmas along with Blur's Leisure and I was a very happy girl dancing around my bedroom.

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