19 March 2008

yummy cake time

I am so lucky to work in an office where birthdays are treated as a big deal. We have a chef who cooks us lunch everyday and when it's your birthday you get to plan the menu along with the cake. My cake today was yummy! When I first moved to New York I had never tried red velvet cake and then one glorious day I had a red velvet cupcake from Magnolia Bakery and I have been addicted ever since. I think it's mostly the color that I love. It is such a beautiful red, one day I want to paint a piece of furniture that color. I think a side chair with the seat in a beautiful off-white textured fabric would be so lovely. It would be my ode to my love of red velvet cake. I took a few pictures with my phone of my cake, so pretty.



Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday Heidi and Katie!

Darleen said...

Yum! that looks divine!

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